“Titrate” premiered April 23, 2023 at the Darkhorse Theater as part of Blue Moves’ “EcoMode”, a multi-media production focused on community engagement and environmental activism. The concept, score, and choreographic structure was developed at The Hermitage Artist Retreat.
Choreography by Amanda Cantrell Roche
Music: Brambles and The Dap-Kings
Performed by Andrea Roberts, Michaela Adcock, Megan Pennington, DancEast Youth
Exploring the cycle of facing the often overwhelming data and research on the climate crisis while also tending to our mental and emotional health. When these are balanced, we can take action from a place of being both informed and resourced.
Also created for and premiering at EcoMode was the short film, “Belle Fleur Farm,” produced in collaboration with Blue Moves and film-maker Lanthe Klika.